This registration is for all returning families and for new parish members that have their children in public school, grades 1st thru 6th grade. Little Church Registration for PK4 and K will also be held during these dates. Little Church is for all parish children. All new families must have a copy of the baptismal certificate when registering.

Parents of children attending public schools have an obligation to see that their children receive a religious education. The dedicated people involved in our Religious Education Program look forward to sharing with you in the fulfillment of that obligation. We believe our program is a good one, and hope your children will participate from Kindergarten through high school.

Two full years of religious instruction are required before the reception of the Sacraments.

Our Parish religious education program (CCD) is held on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Families with students in grades 1 through 8 can choose to attend either a Tuesday or Wednesday evening session from 6:30pm to 7:45pm. Students in grade six who wish to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation are required to attend Confirmation Preparation classes on Sunday morning following the 9:00am Mass in addition to their class on Tuesday or Wednesday.

During the 10:30 Mass on Sunday a liturgical-based program of instructions is offered to Kindergarten and Pre-School. These programs are open to all children of the parish.